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Tag: lighting

Interzoo 2012: The CEAB booth

At booth number 7 we met the Italian CE.A.B., where we were greeted by an uncommon passion for lighting. We then focused on the new led...

Ecotech Marine releases the connection kit for hanging multiple led Radion

Ecotech Marine has just announced the availability of its connection kit for your led lighting Radion. As you know the Radion are excellent LED's...

Elos is breaking the rules with the incredible new E-Lite3

The Elos is breaking the rules and presents a great innovation in the aquarium led lighting: the new E-lite3. will see why so revolutionary: Built entirely of...

Blau is ready to present its first LED lighting: Blau Lumina...

Blau Aquaristik is ready to present to the public its new LED lighting, Blau Lumina LED. There is high expectations behind this lighting thanks...

Ecotech Marine Radion new firmware available

Ecotech Marine has released the new firmware update of his new led lighting system Radion You can download the Ecosmart Configuration Utility directly from Ecotech...

Ecotech Marine shows Radion, the new led lighting

Leader in the submersible pumps market for Reef Aquariums, with technological and innovative devices, EcoTech Marine get in matter of lighting, with a hi-tech...

The Light in nature, comparisons with the lighting in our aquariums

La versione italiana è qua: La Luce in natura, comparazioni con la luce in acquario English version During the MagnaModena held Sunday February 8,...

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