Tag: synthetic rocks
Marine rocks, decorations and materials for aquascaping from Aquadeco
Aquadeco was presenta at Interzoo 2022 with its products for the decorations of aquariums, terrariums, reptile houses and ponds. A very wide range of rocks, driftwoods and roots.
The multiparameter photometer and Royal Nature’s products
This Israeli company couldn't miss the Interzoo 2022! Royal Nature is famous for its well-balanced salt, well appreciated even here in Italy, and for...
Aquaroche reveals the new AcropoRock System and the Druide Sea products
Aquaroche is probably the company that invented synthetic ceramic rocks, and their shapes are indistinguishable from the ones we find in the sea.
This article...
Daphbio Microfauna and Meiofauna eggs: microorganisms to colonize aquariums and rocks
If we wanted to colonize or make our aquarium grow, at first we only thought at bacteria, then we introduced new sources of food...
Live rocks – how they should be treated once arrived
Speaking of Live Rocks isn't easy. But today we want to focus on their treatment at the moment of the arrive in the shop,...