Tag: system midi
The new Elos Planet Pro LED fixture presented at Macna 2013
During the fair Macna 2013, which was held in Florida at Ft Lauderdale, Elos, which was hosted at the booth of its U.S. distributor...
Elos Webring: ReefNature is a blog dedicated to a small reef...
A new website it's been added to Elos WebRing, it's a site from Italy, called ReefNature and it's dedicated to setting up the Elos SystemMidi...
Elos Webring: ReefNature un blog dedicato ad un piccolo angolo di...
Si è aggiunto un nuovo sito nel WebRing Elos, un sito dedicato all'allestimento di un piccolo angolo di reef, si chiama ReefNature e parte...