Home MY TANK My tank has got a big problem…

My tank has got a big problem…

The reason for my inaction in recent weeks is due to the fact that my tank has decided to become unstuck … has only 2 ½ years, yet the silicone began to subside in a gradual manner, leaving today with only a few millimeters of silicon. Just below the glass front.

What you see in the picture is what remains of the central strip of silicon.
Amtra sconto 20%

At first I thought it only affect the top layer of silicone, not believing he could go and interfere with silicone between the bottom glass and side glasses, but the problem is gradually increased, affecting much of the front glass , with a strong surge in recent days.

Gradually, until I’ll have an emergency tank, I avoided cleaning the glass with the magnet, I turned off the tunze stream that was  directed to the front glass, and I lowered the flow of Vortech switching from Reef Crest to Lagoon mode.

Then yesterday I removed all corals from the tank and I gave them to my friend Zanna Bianca, including my beautiful Tridacna a Montipora fogliosa of 40 cm, and all the others … with the maturation of the new tank I will take care to go to him to take some frags 🙂

Tomorrow morning, thanks to from Alessandro Falco, who kindly lent me a tank, I will prepare an aquarium in the attic where I’ll put all my fishes awaiting the maturation of new tank that should arrive in a month … back to zero, to avoid bringing back the myrionema.

Here you all the pictures of the problem:



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