Home MY TANK The project goes on: live rocks

The project goes on: live rocks

The project goes on, after having presented the tank in the latest update of DaniReef … Here I present the new live rocks aquascape!
I think you could want to pass the mouse over the image of the live rocks if you want to see the play of light offered by LEDs (and if you have firefox).

Yes the lighting system isn’t ready, because a part of it, one of the HQi, has been serving the other tank in the attic, feature actually quite comfortable in these cases.

Amtra sconto 20%

Apart from these pictures, I preferred to turn off the LEDs to not modify the colors.

As I have said the rock is very different from what we usually see in the tanks, it is a bit ‘of time the thought seems to have changed, leading us to set up more tanks empty, I perhaps I wanted to exaggerate, coming to use only 25 kilograms of rocks into a tank of size 130x60x50h,  390 liters.


For the first setting I used live sand, especially to speed up the cycling because my fishes are spending their holiday in my attic.


The tank was set up Saturday, and three days later, on Tuesday, the values measured with brand new test kits measured:

NH3/NH4: 0
NO2: 0
NO3: 1
PO4: 0
pH: 8,2
dKh: 8

I must say an excellent result, which makes me think of the good idea to have begun with the live sand, for your information I used Ocean Direct Original Grade della Carib Sea


The skimmer does not have anything foam, and Tuesday night I entered the first hermit, and I assume that soon I will insert a few fish to see how the new tank behaves biologically.


A stereoscopic view of the rock


Finally still pictures with and without LED, especially for those who failed to see the application in the first picture


I only have one indecision on the positioning of the movement pump. I am not very sure to use the Stream, it most likely will use the Vortech MP-40 in the same position of the stream that you see in the picture. But I would bring it closer to the overflow, what do you think? Too close to the rock in that case? Better the Tunze slightly oriented as now?


And, as always, all pictures taken:


  1. Looking great Dani. The rock layout is awesome. I would definitely choose the Vortech over the Tunze for this tank, in the same spot as the Tunze. Maybe closer to the overflow is going to be too close to the rockwork?

    • Thanks stonyreef, my doubt is your doubt… my idea about this decision is to build a forniture near the acquarium, to the overflow side, height the same of tank, where to show the biotopus screen, all the wires, the ballasts, and last but not least, to cover the butt of the vortech… but I don’t want to stay to advanced…

      I’m thinking…


  2. Ufff, i have to hurry up with my system cuz you and I Dani have apsolutly THE same taste for rockscape, and aquarium obviusly – ha ha ha!

    Great job!:)

    • Hi Tatu, thanks 🙂

      It’s a very complex question…
      The Tunze (6000 or 6100, and I think 6001 and 6101) are more and more silent… and in my experience they are more reliable. But until the last year the Vortech had the better controller and obviously the footprint into aquarium was very very very better than stream (as you can see here: http://www.danireef.com/2008/10/10/ecotech-marine-vortech-mp40w-with-or-without-you/ )

      Now Tunze has released a new controller, that I have not yet proved… and maybe some situation can be changed on this point.

      But the end of the story is… I love the flow of vortech (but I have to try the new tunze controller), I definitively love its footprint… but I don’t like the noise, I don’t like the wires outside the tank…

      I’ve at home 2 Stream and 1 Vortech, and until now I’m not sure what to use in the new tank…

  3. I think that this year we finally have an opportunity to meet personally! After some problems in last years, it was impossible be present in Interzoo, but this year I will be there!!!

    Keep your good work and please let us updated about this tank.

    All the best!

    Filipe Oliveira

    • Hi Filipe, It will be my pleasure to meet you! I will be in Interzoo saturday and sunday, but soon I’ll write a post about it 🙂

      And… I dream your wonderful tanks! O God… what aquascapes!!!



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